
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


1 Load hyper terminal

Login to the VSAT using Hyper Terminal and the following settings

•Bits per second = 9600
•Data bits = 8
•Parity = None
•Stop bits  = 1
•Flow Control = None

2 . Once you have access to the VSAT using Hyper Terminal,
press ‘F2’ key to refresh the screen and login
using the default username and pas sword.
•User Name = admin
• Password = admin

Monday, June 27, 2011


The Indoor Unit (IDU) is the component of the VSAT terminal that is located indoors. It is usually the satellite router. The IDU is connected to the Outdoor Unit (ODU) via Inter-Facility Link (IFL) cables.
[edit] Training

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


An Inter-Facility Link (IFL) is the set of coaxial cables that connect the indoor equipment to the outdoor equipment of a satellite earth station. In a VSAT terminal, the IFL is usually one or two co-axial cables carrying IF signals, control signals, and DC power.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A low noise block-downconverter (or LNB) is the receiving device of a parabolic satellite dish antenna of the type commonly used for satellite TV reception. The device is sometimes called an LNA (for low noise amplifier), LNC (for low noise converter) or even LND (for low noise downconverter) but as block-downconversion is the principal function of the device, LNB is the preferred term, although this acronym is often incorrectly expanded to the incomplete descriptions, low noise block or low noise block converter.

Block UpConverter

A block upconverter (BUC) is used in the transmission (uplink) of satellite signals. It converts a band (or "block") of frequencies from a lower frequency to a higher frequency. Modern BUCs convert from the L band to Ku band, C band and Ka band. Older BUCs convert from a 70 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) to Ku band or C band.
Most BUCs use phase-locked loop local oscillators and require an external 10 MHz frequency reference to maintain the correct transmit frequency.
